
  1. Make your offer clear and obvious

❌ Before: The sign up offer is way too confusing. Two conflicting offers and on "select plans".

✅ After: Instead, make one clear offer "3 days trail" and include any social proof to make the offer even more attractive "join 3431" others

  1. Pull as much above the fold as possible

❌ Before: Due to a large notice bar, large headline and big spacing lots of important elements are being push down the fold.

✅ After: By reducing these elements we've managed to pull everything thats important to conversions up.

  1. Showcase social proof

❌ Before: Shopify has thousands of 4-5 star reviews, yet we wouldn't know if we visited their site.

✅ After: By using GetApp's logo and stars we visually draw attention to the social proof and make others want to join "thousands of business owners".

  1. Use a strong value proposition

❌ Before: Although well written, the old headline doesn't really give me any information about a benefit.

✅ After: The end goal (benefit) of using Shopify is to make more money for your business. Again, leverage social proof and the benefit.

  1. Use adverbs to spark action

❌ Before: Not only does the call to action button go missing due to it's colour, it doesn't spark an action.