
  1. Make your value proposition stand out

❌ Before: Although very well written, the headline didn't "pop" enough and therefore was likely missed.

✅ After: By adding a simple bit of colour to the headline and bolding the key words we're able to make it stand out a lot more.

  1. Showcase social proof

❌ Before: have over 1500+ reviews but I only know that from googling their name. Their page lacks any type of social proof.

✅ After: Adding TrustPilot logos and calling out the amount of reviews really showcases social proof.

  1. Keep the visitor informed

❌ Before: If you have multiple questions then your conversion rate will be far higher with a multistep flow.

✅ After: Show one single question per screen and inform the visitor which step they are currently on and how many remain.

  1. Explain everything

❌ Before: With no progress bar, no instructions and one long form of questions people are more likely to leave or be unsure of the next steps.

✅ After: Create simple steps per question and tell people exactly what to expect and how to progress.

  1. More social proof

❌ Before: As you can see on both mobile and desktop Tom doesn't have any social proof.