
  1. Better use of navigation

❌ Before: The navigational bar is clunky and takes up too much space, they also have 0 social proof.

✅ After: By reducing the padding we bring important elements above the fold social proof + icons + mentioning the target demographic as rated by

  1. Stronger value proposition

❌ Before: Headline is washy at best, hard to follow and doesn't excite me.

✅ After: Much stronger, mentioning the amount of people (social proof/trust) and the "untapped" revenue number (which they can access) alongside "no additional ad spend"

  1. Add social proof

❌ Before: A screenshot that could easily have been photoshopped with nothing to back it up to make it associable.

✅ After: A real person, real image, real name and real story about how "Oliver" added more rev with no ad spend. People associate with people

  1. Conflicting and boring CTA's

❌ Before: Two call to actions side by side which is a big no (put the demo on the nav). No colour, bland.

✅ After: A vibrant call to action button that tells the buyer exactly what they're going to do and has a directional cue + social anchors

  1. Leverage trust and authority

❌ Before: Some of the biggest brands in the world use Klaviyo, did you know? Me neither!

✅ After: By simply adding some of Klaviyo's biggest customer logos we've been able to leverage their authority in order to make us want to do the same